Save the Date: NASF, Partners to Launch Wildfire Mitigation Award

Wildland fire training with pulaskisThe National Association of State Foresters, International Association of Fire Chiefs, and National Fire Protection Association are pleased to announce that the Wildfire Mitigation Awards will launch in 2015. The call for nominations open at the NASF Annual Meeting in September 2014. 

The national awards will recognize outstanding service in wildfire mitigation efforts and activities to increase public recognition and awareness of the need for continuing mitigation efforts.

In response to an overwhelming number of great wildfire mitigation program efforts, the awards are the highest national honor one can receive for outstanding work and significant program impact in wildfire mitigation. 

The 2015 Wildfire Mitigation Awards will be presented at the Reno, Nevada-based Wildland Urban-Interface Conference in March 2015.

We are grateful for the collaboration with our partners to launch this exciting new award. Check back on the NASF Blog for nomination information beginning September 1, 2014.

Photo by USFS Lake Tahoe Basin


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