Forester in a forest holding a handheld compass/prism

March 1, 2022

NASF launches Forest Carbon Network digital clearinghouse

By Forrest Boe The National Association of State Foresters is pleased to announce the launch of a new digital clearinghouse for forest carbon and forest carbon market resources for state forestry agencies. Mitigating the effects of climate change is one of the greatest policy challenges facing our country and the world today. Policies and programs [read more]

Montage of photos depicting state forestry agency work in the protection of water quality

February 10, 2022

NASF joins the Source Water Collaborative

The sign-on of the National Association of State Foresters makes 30 members for the Source Water Collaborative. Since its start in 1920, NASF has served as a leading authority on forest management in the United States. NASF’s membership is composed of the directors of forestry agencies in the 50 states, five U.S. territories, three nations [read more]

Stand of conifer trees in winter amidst falling snow

February 2, 2022

What happens to trees in winter?

By Hannah Wagner Happy Groundhog Day! One of the strangest American traditions took place this morning, and the ending wasn’t ideal. A famous groundhog named Phil saw his shadow… What a bummer! While I’m sure you’re disappointed to have to bear six more weeks of winter, have you ever wondered what cold weather means for [read more]

#ForestProud Logo

October 26, 2021

NASF is officially #forestproud

  NASF is now an official member of #forestproud!   What makes #forestproud such a great asset to the forestry community is how it connects the dots between forests—and all the products and benefits they provide—and the role they play in helping to fight climate change. If you haven't already seen #forestproud content on social [read more]

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