
Balsam firs lining a stream

July 23, 2018

New Hampshire

Statewide forest resource planning The New Hampshire Forest Action Plan continues a tradition of statewide forest resource planning that began in 1952 when Governor Sherman Adams appointed a committee to develop a statement of policy focused on the condition of the state's forests. Like earlier plans, this plan responds to new issues and ideas that [read more]

Wide-angle photo of a Nevada forest

July 23, 2018


Threats to Priority Landscapes in Nevada Nevada’s Forest, Range and Watershed Action Plan lists eight significant issues or threats to the state’s natural resources and identifies 22 priority landscapes where the Nevada Division of Forestry (NDF) will focus effort. It also provides strategies for how the NDF and cooperators will address their mitigation and management [read more]

Silhouette of a wildland firefighter holding an axe

July 23, 2018


New insights into Nebraska's tree and forest resources Nebraska's Forest Action Plan represents the Nebraska Forest Service's first geospatial assessment of the state's tree and forest resources, in addition to providing unique insights and identifying strategic goals and opportunities for sustainably managing these resources.

Spaced-out trees with mountains in the background

July 23, 2018


Leading forest management in the West Montana's Statewide Assessment of Forest Resources covers all forestland, regardless of ownership type and was accomplished using geographic information system (GIS) analytic techniques. Results of the analysis will be used to direct the future deployment of the 2008 Farm Bill programs as they relate to planning, information and education, [read more]

Close up of redbud flowers

July 23, 2018


Sustaining Missouri's Forests Missouri's statewide Forest Action Plan represents a new beginning in the way Missourians care for our trees and forests. It evaluates the conditions, trends, and threats facing our forests, and provides a roadmap to sustain them. Missouri's trees, woodlands and forests are an incredible resource to behold providing us with clean water [read more]

Trees in green swampy water

July 23, 2018


Sustaining essential private forest lands Mississippi’s abundant forestlands represent over 60 percent of the total land base. Although many may think of the abundance of forested pine stands, the majority of Mississippi’s forest consist of hardwood and oak-pine mixed timber types. Almost 90 percent of these forested land are privately owned. These forested acres contribute [read more]

Orange and yellow fall trees along a rocky cliff at the shore of a lake

July 23, 2018


Conserving, protecting and enhancing state forest resources Minnesota is located at the convergence of three major biomes; coniferous forests, deciduous forest and tall-grass prairies. Over one-third of the state remains forested, and over 12,000 lakes, rivers and streams grace the landscape. The state values its natural resources and is blessed to have so many millions [read more]

Trees and rocks along a river in Northern Michigan

July 23, 2018


Productive forests contribute to environmental, social and economic health Natural resources have played an important role in Michigan's growth and development and are critical to our quality of life. The growth of the forest-based economy and increased participation in outdoor recreation are key to the state's future. The Michigan Forest Resource Assessment and Strategy provides [read more]

A close-up shot of white and pink buds

July 23, 2018


Creating resilience in Massachusetts Although Massachusetts is the third most densely populated state in the country, over 63% of the state is forestland. These 3.2 million acres of forest collectively provide cascading benefits including clean air and water, recreation, wildlife habitat, climate resiliency, and forest products. However, our state has not always looked this way, [read more]

Aerial view of Deep Creek Lake, Maryland. The lake curves along the left side of the image and orange with green fall foliage on the right side of the image.

July 23, 2018


Maryland's Forests The Maryland Forest Action Plan lays out a five-year plan based on a long-term approach to desired conditions for Maryland's future forests. The plan characterizes a maturing forest base in Maryland that supports considerable biological diversity, expanding potential for sawtimber and other wood products, greater tree growth than removal, net gains in carbon [read more]

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