
Trees lined along a wide river

July 23, 2018


The Significance of Maine's Forests Maine has the largest contiguous block of undeveloped forestland east of the Mississippi. Maine's resilient forests have been harvested for wood products for over 200 years, yet 90% of the state remains forested - the highest percentage in the country and we have largely maintained our forest biodiversity. We also [read more]

Evenly-spaced trees with a dirt path down the center

July 23, 2018


Growing and protecting Louisiana's forests and future The state of Louisiana is blessed with abundant natural resources. Commerce stemming from the state's timber assets is second only to state's petroleum and natural gas industry. Abundant water, a sub-tropic climate, and high-quality soils form the foundation of the state's ability to generate both excellent pine and [read more]

Trees with red, orange, and yellow leaves in a Central Appalachian forest

July 23, 2018


Addressing threats to forest sustainability Kentucky's Forest Action Plan is a comprehensive analysis and plan formulated to address the five major threats identified impacting the sustainability of the Commonwealth's forest resource. The major threats identified within the document are Forest Health, Water Quality and Quantity, Forest Loss and Fragmentation, Forest Management and Funding.

Trees create a riparian buffer along a creek

July 23, 2018


Kansas' Rural, Community, and Agro-Forests The Kansas Forest Resource Assessment and Strategy helps focus and leverage limited financial resources to address seven priority issues that threaten or benefit the state's 4.5 million acres of rural and community forests, shelterbelts and trees. Our Forest Action Plan is organized around strategies to address three issues that threaten [read more]

A sunny shot of Larkin Overlook in Iowa

July 23, 2018


Conserving and maintaining Iowa's forests Our Forest Action Plan identifies landscape areas where national, regional, and state resource issues and priorities converge. It is meant to be a dynamic document that utilizes the best current data available, works with stakeholders, and adequately considers other state assessments, plans, and priorities. In this way, Iowa's Forest Action [read more]

An aerial view of a forest with shadows from clouds

July 23, 2018


Protecting forest benefits and ecosystems now and into the future Indiana’s forests are rich and diverse. They provide economic and environmental benefits that Hoosiers recognize and love. The stakeholder-driven Forest Action Plan most recently updated in 2020 is the result of dedicated work by the state’s forestry and conservation partners represented by the Indiana Forest Stewardship Advisory [read more]

Fallen leaves on grass in autumn

July 23, 2018


The value of professional forest stewardship in Illinois Trained forestry professionals and technical staff are responsible for providing information and assistance to private forest landowners, to cities and communities managing urban forests, and for continued tree nursery operations. As awareness of forest stewardship and incentive programs grow, the demand for a professional state support system [read more]

Aerial view of a forest

July 23, 2018


The Idaho Forest Action Plan The Idaho Forest Action Plan is a long-term, coordinated strategy for reducing threats to Idaho’s forests while increasing the social, economic, and environmental benefits they provide. IDL and a broad group of stakeholders and partners completed the plan, which includes urban and rural forests across all ownerships. The purpose of [read more]

Panoramic shot of forested mountains in Hawaii

July 23, 2018


The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness One hundred years ago, Hawaii was on the verge of losing all of its forests to introduced animals. Public and private partnerships were developed in order to restore and protect Hawaii's forested uplands. They were successful in their endeavors: millions of acres of forests were replanted [read more]

Low-angle shot of a stand of pine trees

July 23, 2018


Leadership, service, and education in the protection and conservation of our forest resources Georgia's 24 million acres of forest land are a rich and renewable resource that provide myriad benefits to citizens across the state, and yet challenges to the land and the professionals who manage it abound. The vision of the Georgia Forestry Commission [read more]

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