
A worker dressed in red in a forest

July 23, 2018


Florida's Working Forests Florida's Statewide Forest Resource Assessment provides an analysis of current forest conditions and trends in the state and defines priority rural and urban forest landscapes. It also provides long-term plans to invest state, federal, and local resources where they can most effectively address concerns and stimulate broad support for working forest activities [read more]

A deer in tall brown grass

July 23, 2018


A vision for Delaware's rural and urban and community forests Delaware's forests, rural and urban, public and private, are vital to our environment, our way of life, and our economy. The Delaware Forest Service, working with other organizations and our citizens, strives to ensure that our forests continue providing the numerous benefits that all Delawareans [read more]

July 23, 2018


Building a better tomorrow for Connecticut's forests today Connecticut's Forest Resource Assessment and Strategy (Forest Action Plan) is a guidance document for the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, Division of Forestry, and our forest conservation partners in academia, government, extension, and non-profits, as well as municipal and private landowners. The Action Plan is [read more]

A stand of conifer trees shadowed in the foreground with mountains in the background

July 23, 2018


Fostering healthy forests and communities in a changing world Forests, rangelands, and urban forests contribute greatly to the quality of life enjoyed by all Californians. They provide vital resources and services including timber, livestock grazing, water, wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities and biomass fuels. Many small rural communities rely on these lands for their economic livelihood. [read more]

Aerial view of Arkansas forest

July 23, 2018


Serving forest landowners and protecting the natural state Arkansas is 56 percent forested. This includes 18.9 million forested acres, which are 40 percent oak-hickory, 32 percent pine, 16 percent bottomland hardwood, 10 percent oak-pine, and two percent cedar. The Arkansas Department of Agriculture – Forestry Division promotes rural and urban forest health, stewardship, development, and [read more]

Superstition Mountain in Arizona

July 23, 2018


Arizona's Forest Action Plan The diversity of Arizona forests range from riparian gallery forest in the low elevation deserts to sub-alpine and montane forests above 9,000 feet in elevation. Forest cover approximately 27% of the state and are mostly managed by federal, tribal, and state entities. Arizona's Forest Action Plan is a collaborative analysis of [read more]

Alaskan plain in fall

July 23, 2018


Conserve, Protect, and Enhance diverse forest values to benefit Alaskans Alaska’s 129 million acres of forests stretch from the boreal forests of the Brooks Range to the coastal, temperate rainforests of the Southeast. Alaska’s forests provide opportunities for forest products, local jobs, home heating, benefits to community well-being, clean water, fish and wildlife habitat, subsistence [read more]

Geneva State Forest surrounding a lake

July 23, 2018


Forestry at the crossroads Forestry at the Crossroads represents the concerted effort of the Alabama Forestry Commission to assess Alabama's forest resource. Input from 33 organizations, 37 subject matter experts, and 865 individual survey responses were used to identify 216 strategies that address nine threats to the sustainability of the state's forest resource.

A Colorado forest surrounded by mountains

July 20, 2018


Rooted in science. driven by collaboration. Colorado’s forests contribute greatly to the state’s economic and social wellbeing. Covering about 24 million acres, they range from riparian habitat at 3,350 feet, dominated by plains cottonwoods, to spruce-fir forests growing up to about 12,000 feet. Colorado’s forests provide us with what we need to survive and thrive, [read more]

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