Press Releases

Browse National Association of State Foresters press releases:

September 28, 2022

NASF recognizes excellence in state and private forestry with current and lifetime awards

The National Association of State Foresters is pleased to announce the 2022 NASF current and lifetime achievement award honorees. They are: Laura Buntrock and Olivia Witthun of Wisconsin, Puni Jackson of Hawai'i, and Mark Bays of Oklahoma. WASHINGTON—The National Association of State Foresters honored several individuals at its 2022 annual meeting for their extraordinary contributions [read more]

September 21, 2022

State foresters elect new leadership, make history

State foresters elect their fiscal year 2023 leadership during NASF's 102nd annual conference in Stevenson, Washington. STEVENSON, Wash.—At this year's annual meeting, the nation’s state foresters elected a new slate of officers to serve on the National Association of State Foresters’ governing executive committee. In doing so, the association made history: two of the four [read more]

August 22, 2022

Latest 'Tree Story' film from NASF profiles a bonafide tree hunter and his champion find

“Tree Hunter” shows just a few examples of how human stories become intertwined with those of trees in community and urban settings. WASHINGTON—The National Association of State Foresters is pleased to present the third installment in its “Tree Stories” series, a collection of short films that illustrates the importance of the different—but equally valuable—bonds that [read more]

July 26, 2022

State foresters herald USDA announcement of funding availability for community wildfire mitigation projects

The National Association of State Foresters looks forward to working collaboratively with the USDA Forest Service to deliver the new Community Wildfire Defense Grant program. WASHINGTON—The nation's 59 state foresters applaud USDA's announcement today that $1 billion in new funding will be made available over the next five years for critically important wildfire preparedness and [read more]

May 5, 2022

Smokey Bear Award winner chosen for exceptional dedication to wildfire prevention

Smokey Bear Awards are reserved for individuals, teams, and organizations that provide outstanding service with significant and sustained program impact in the wildfire prevention arena. WASHINGTON—The partners behind the wildfire prevention legend Smokey Bear and his public service advertisement campaign—the longest running in United States history—are pleased to announce the 2022 national Smokey Bear Award [read more]

March 22, 2022

Nation's leading wildfire management groups name 2022 Wildfire Mitigation Awardees

The four co-sponsors of the national Wildfire Mitigation Awards have named the individuals and organizations chosen to receive honors this year in recognition of their exemplary commitment to community wildfire risk reduction. WASHINGTON—The Wildfire Mitigation Awards committee has named the six individuals and organizations chosen to receive 2022 Wildfire Mitigation Awards. This year’s recipients have [read more]

March 16, 2022

Long-awaited FY22 spending bill becomes law

President Biden has signed a fiscal year (FY) 2022 omnibus spending bill into law, averting a government shutdown. The final appropriations package includes modest funding increases for priority forestry programs vital to America's forest sector. WASHINGTON—The National Association of State Foresters was relieved to learn that Congress had come to agreement on a long-awaited FY [read more]

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