Press Releases

Browse National Association of State Foresters press releases:

March 6, 2020

Statement on the Trillion Trees Act (HR 5859)

The National Association of State Foresters (NASF) appreciates the leadership of Representative Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.) in introducing the Trillion Trees Act (HR 5859) and recognizing forests and forest markets as environmental and economic solutions. Trees built America and are a strategic natural resource for meeting future challenges. Forests, forest management, and forest markets all should [read more]

February 12, 2020

State foresters respond to Trump administration's FY21 budget proposal

President Donald Trump’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 budget request shows some support for active forest management, but more investment is needed. WASHINGTON—While the Trump administration's FY 2021 proposed budget would support some active forest management, it would also significantly cut funding to critically important state and private forestry programs. In response, the National Association of [read more]

February 10, 2020

State foresters present USDA Secretary Perdue with leadership award

U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue honored by state foresters for his work to promote the health, resilience, and productivity of the nation's forests through shared stewardship. WASHINGTON—The National Association of State Foresters presented U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue with a special award today, commemorating his leadership in advancing forest management priorities nationwide with [read more]

December 20, 2019

Partnership announces 2020 Wildfire Mitigation Awardees

Individuals and organizations honored for exemplary commitment to community wildfire risk reduction. WASHINGTON—The Wildfire Mitigation Awards committee has named the three recipients of this year’s Wildfire Mitigation Awards. These individuals and organizations have earned the highest commendation for innovation and leadership in wildfire mitigation for their outstanding dedication to solving many of the most complex [read more]

December 18, 2019

NASF releases latest report on forestry BMPs and their use nationwide

States have been evaluating, testing, and revising their forestry BMP guidelines since the 1970s, steadily improving the efficacy of these standards for protecting water quality before, during, and after silvicultural activities take place. WASHINGTON—The National Association for State Foresters has released the latest report on forestry best management practices (BMPs) for water quality. Among other [read more]

December 17, 2019

State foresters praise House 'minibus' increases for State and Private Forestry programs

State foresters applaud House members and their staffs for advancing a FY 2020 appropriations package that will support the health, resiliency, and productivity of our nation’s forests. WASHINGTON—The National Association of State Foresters praised members of the U.S. House of Representatives today for their Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 "minibus" that would fund—among other departments, agencies, [read more]

December 11, 2019

State foresters honor key lawmakers behind disaster relief for forestland owners

Florida lawmakers Senator Marco Rubio and Representative Neal Dunn are honored by state foresters for their work to secure unprecedented—and essential—disaster relief for forestland owners. WASHINGTON—The National Association of State Foresters presented Senator Marco Rubio of Florida and Representative Neal Dunn of Florida with 2019 Bernard L. Orell Awards, commemorating their leadership in achieving—for the [read more]

November 15, 2019

NASF releases biennial survey results on state forestry agencies

Survey finds state forestry agencies play key roles in protecting and enhancing America’s forested landscapes.  WASHINGTON — According to the National Association of State Foresters’ newly released biennial survey, family forestland owners receive more forest management technical assistance from state forestry agencies than from any other source. In fact, state forestry agencies provided technical assistance to nearly 270,000 landowners [read more]

September 26, 2019

NASF recognizes excellence in State and Private Forestry

ASHEVILLE, N.C.—The National Association of State Foresters honored several individuals at its annual meeting for their extraordinary contributions to state and private forestry. The NASF Awards Committee annually reviews worthy nominations for the association’s lifetime and current achievement awards. This year's award winners are: Jim Hubbard Lifetime Achievement Award – Jane Severt, Wisconsin Steven Scott [read more]

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