
Browse National Association of State Foresters publications:

January 6, 2023

2021 Prescribed Fire Use Report

The National Association of State Foresters (NASF) and the Coalition of Prescribed Fire Councils (CPFC) worked collaboratively to produce the 2021 National Prescribed Fire Use Report. Since 2011, the two organizations have partnered to prepare reports (in 2012, 2015, and 2018, and 2020) on prescribed fire activity, state-level programs, and barriers to prescribed fire implementation. [read more]

Front cover of 2022 annual report

September 20, 2022

Annual Report, 2022

The 2021-2022 NASF Annual Report highlights the association’s many efforts to advance the policy and communications priorities of its membership. In the last 12 months, NASF has had a number of notable successes: Boosted the relevance of NASF’s policy positions in Washington, D.C., and the reputation of state foresters nationwide with strategic communications. NASF advanced the [read more]

June 1, 2022

Communities At Risk Report, 2021

This Communities At Risk (CAR) Report provides a national snapshot of wildland fire risk, preparedness, and capacity using the latest USDA Forest Service National Fire Plan Operations and Reporting System data for Fiscal Year 2021. For more information about this report, contact NASF Fire Director Jim Karels at

January 27, 2022

State Foresters by the Numbers, 2020

The latest statistics report on the nation’s state forestry agencies is now available. The State Foresters by the Numbers report relies on NASF biennial survey data to illustrate the key roles state foresters and their agencies play in protecting and enhancing America’s forested landscapes. Learn more by viewing or downloading the PDF linked below.

September 7, 2021

Annual Report, 2021

The 2020-2021 NASF Annual Report highlights the association’s many efforts to advance the policy and communications priorities of its membership. In the last 12 months, NASF has had a number of notable successes: Shared recommendations with a new administration and Congress for policies and legislation most important to state forestry. Increasing federal investments in forest [read more]

February 12, 2021

Recommendations to the New Administration: Forest-based Solutions for America

Meaningful, landscape-scale forest restoration doesn’t happen without collaboration across ownership boundaries. It is spurred and strengthened by the support of a determined executive, and underpinned by federal financial support largely conveyed through the USDA Forest Service’s State and Private Forestry (S&PF) mission area. Investments in S&PF programs and a shared commitment to working across jurisdictions [read more]

December 17, 2020

2020 National Prescribed Fire Use Report

The National Association of State Foresters (NASF) and the Coalition of Prescribed Fire Councils (CPFC) worked collaboratively to produce the 2020 National Prescribed Fire Use Report. Since 2011, the two organizations have partnered to prepare triennial reports (in 2012, 2015, and 2018) on prescribed fire activity, state-level programs, and barriers to prescribed fire implementation. These [read more]

September 21, 2020

Annual Report, 2020

The 2019-2020 NASF Annual Report highlights the association's many efforts to advance the policy and communications priorities of its membership. In the last 12 months, despite the challenges of COVID-19, NASF has had a number of notable successes: Securing funding for priority programs. This spring, NASF policy efforts contributed to increased or steady funding for [read more]

June 30, 2020

NASF COVID-19 Stimulus Platform

Greater support for state forestry agencies and their work to sustain, enhance, and protect America's forests is needed now more than ever. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, an ailing national economy, and a substantial backlog in federal forest management and rural infrastructure maintenance, the nation's state foresters have put forth a policy platform designed to bolster [read more]

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