Air Quality

September 1, 2016

Urban and community trees boost human health

Where would you rather be? In a city full of parks and tree-lined streets? Or in a city of concrete and glass? Research scientist Omid Kardan and his colleagues at the University of Chicago studied the city of Toronto, which keeps health records for thousands of citizens, and a vast database of urban trees. Kardan’s [read more]

April 28, 2015

Urban Trees Help Us Breathe

Rebecca Nisley is a science writer and editor for the USDA Forest Service’s Northern Research Station. We know that trees provide ecosystem benefits even in cities. The oxygen, cooling shade, and carbon storage are commonly understood, but did you know that trees also remove air pollution? Trees do this by catching small particles of soot and dirt on [read more]

June 27, 2014

Supreme Court Weighs in on EPA Regulation of Greenhouse Gas

This month the Supreme Court of the United States issued a decision in Utility Air Regulatory Group v. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with two primary holdings:  EPA’s attempt in the Tailoring Rule to regulate stationary sources under the prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) permitting program solely on the basis of their greenhouse gas emissions is not [read more]

May 1, 2014

Tree City, Ohio

For the 33rd consecutive year, Ohio leads the nation for Tree City USA designations with 244 communities achieving the title this year. The program, which is sponsored by the National Association of State Foresters, the Arbor Day Foundation, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Conference of Mayors, and the National League of Cities, requires that [read more]

June 28, 2013

NASF Foundation sponsors 2013 Photo Fellow

With support from the NASF Foundation and NASF have chosen the 2013 Photography Fellow. This year's fellow, Joel Prince of Ohio, was chosen from a pool of candidates who submitted their applications and portfolios earlier this month. The theme for this year's photo fellowship is "Embrace the Possibilities."  "The phrase, “Embrace the Possibilities,” immediately stirs [read more]

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