
June 24, 2016

Senate ENR Holds Hearing on Wildfire Funding

By Greg Pilchak On June 23rd, the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources held a hearing to receive testimony on the recent discussion draft entitled “Wildfire Budgeting, Response and Forest Management Act of 2016.” The hearing on the bill focused on three main issues: 1) the need to end “fire borrowing”; 2) the growing [read more]

May 27, 2016

Senators Release Draft Bipartisan Legislation on Fire Funding

By Greg Pilchak On Wednesday, May 25th, leaders on the Senate Energy and Natural Resource Committee released draft legislation whose goal is to improve wildfire budgeting and forest management. The bipartisan legislation is the culmination of recent Committee efforts to examine and find solutions to problems such as “fire borrowing,” the speed of environmental reviews, and fire suppression [read more]

May 26, 2016

House Committee Releases Draft FY17 Interior Appropriations Bill

By Greg Pilchak This Tuesday, May 24th, the House Appropriations Committee released the fiscal year 2017 Interior and Environment Appropriations Bill (see page 84). This draft legislation includes funding for the USDA Forest Service and various other independent and related agencies. The Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Subcommittee marked up the bill on Wednesday, May 25th. [read more]

April 1, 2016

FY 2017 Appropriations: NASF Delivers Written Public Testimonies

The National Association of State Foresters provided written testimony in support of fiscal year 2017 appropriations levels for priority USDA Forest Service State and Private Forestry (S&PF) programs. State and private forests make up more than two thirds of our nation’s forests and provide a host of public benefits including jobs, clean air and water, wildlife habitat, [read more]

December 20, 2013

Congress reaches budget compromise

The Budget compromise reached by Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) and Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) was approved by the Senate this week. With approval of the budget deal setting overall spending levels for the federal government in fiscal years 2014 and 2015, appropriators in Congress now have the difficult task of pulling together appropriations bills to [read more]

December 20, 2013

Wildfire Disaster Funding Act legislation introduced

On Thursday Senators Wyden (D-OR) and Crapo (R-ID) introduced the Wildfire Disaster Funding Act, aimed at ending the cycle of fire borrowing at the USDA Forest Service and Department of the Interior. Late in federal fiscal year 2013 the USDA Forest Service transferred more than $600 million from non-fire accounts to cover the cost of [read more]

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