Forest Science and Health

November 22, 2016

Webinar: Forest Health Monitoring

According to the USDA Forest Service study 2013–2027 National Insect and Disease Forest Risk Assessment, 81 million acres of forested land have hazardous conditions for disease and insects. To learn more about the National Forest Health Monitoring Program, please join the following webinar on Wednesday, November 30, 2016 at 11 am EST: Research Contributions to Forest Health Monitoring Dr. Frank Koch [read more]

October 3, 2016

October is Firewood Awareness Month

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service’s (APHIS) Hungry Pests campaign has partnered with the Nature Conservancy’s Don’t Move Firewood campaign for the first-ever Firewood Awareness Month. The goal of Firewood Awareness Month is to raise public awareness about firewood movement as a forest pest and disease pathway using [read more]

September 20, 2016

NASF Releases 2016 Annual Report

The National Association of State Foresters (NASF) unveiled the 2015-16 NASF annual report today at its meeting in Savannah, Georgia. From city streets to remote mountainsides, trees connect a forested ecosystem that connects with people in countless ways. This is the essence of NASF's work, and the association is pleased to share recent accomplishments through this publication. Trees [read more]

September 9, 2016

State Foresters Lead Forest Health Congressional Briefing

By Emily Bazydlo This week, eight Members of the House Committee on Agriculture and 16 personal and Committee staff attended a forest health briefing organized by the National Association of State Foresters (NASF) and sponsored by Conservation and Forestry Subcommittee Chairman Representative Glenn Thompson (R-PA). The meeting began with a warm welcome by the Chairman. Rep. [read more]

April 27, 2016

Senate Committee Highlights Nanocellulose Technology

Nanocellulose was in the spotlight during a recent Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing. U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine) highlighted work done at the University of Maine to support the forest economy and biobased industries, and emphasized the need for research and development institutions across the country to work together in support of American manufacturing [read more]

April 21, 2016

Working Forests Caucus Convenes on Capitol Hill

By: Jessica Hernandez On Wednesday April 20th, Congressman Bruce Westerman (R-Arkansas) and a bipartisan group of members of Congress launched the Working Forests Caucus. The caucus, which is co-chaired by Rep. Westerman and charter members Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-Washington), Sanford Bishop (D-Georgia), and Collin Peterson (D-Minnesota) was created to promote the benefits of America’s working [read more]

April 19, 2016

Funds available through Southern Pine Beetle Prevention Program

Texas A&M Forest Service is accepting applications for the 2016 Southern Pine Beetle Prevention Program. Through this cost-share program eligible forest landowners can receive financial and technical assistance related to reducing the threat of future SPB infestations and outbreaks. Funds provided by USDA Forest Service-Region 8 and Forest Health Protection can assist landowners with conducting [read more]

February 25, 2016

Eliminate Barriers to Active Management in America’s Federal Forests

America’s federally owned forestlands face serious threats. Entire landscapes are experiencing deteriorating health problems and uncharacteristic ecological change as a result of insect and disease epidemics, catastrophic wildfire and other forest health stressors. Increasing the pace and scale of forest management projects is necessary to improve the resilience of federal forest lands. There are 750 [read more]

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